1. Lazarov, N., C. Chouchkov: On the fate of newly
synthesized proteins in the elements of the blood-brain barrier. 1st
scientific meeting of the students and young scientists from the Higher
Medical Institute in Stara Zagora, Stara Zagora, May 10, 1986, Abstracts p.
7 (in Bulgarian).
2. Lazarov, N.: Electron microscopical localization of
substance P-like immunoreactivity in the main sensory nucleus of the cat
trigeminal nerve. IIIrd symposium and school for young scientists on
peripheral and CNS synapses. Varna, October 12-16, 1987, Abstracts, p. 17.
3. Chouchkov, C., N. Lazarov, K. Ichev: Localization of
newly synthesized protein precursors of basement membrane in the embryonic
central nervous system as revealed by radioautography. Acta histochem. 82, 1987, 153-158.
4. Lazarov, N.: Ultrastructural localization of some
phosphatases in the main sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve.
Proceedings of the 2nd scientific session of the Higher Medical Institute
in Stara Zagora, 1, 1988, 2838, (in Bulgarian).
5. Lazarov, N: Immunocytochemical demonstration of
ß-endorphin in the Herbst corpuscles. Proceedings of the 2nd
scientific session of the Higher Medical Institute in Stara Zagora, 1, 1988, 2839, (in Bulgarian).
6. Lazarov, N., I. Stoyanova: Histochemical localization
of Na -,K -ATPase and alkaline phosphatase activities in the Herbst and
Grandry corpuscles. Proceedings of the 2nd scientific session of the Higher
Medical Institute in Stara Zagora. 1, 1988, 2841. (in Bulgarian).
7. Stoyanova, I., N. Lazarov: Histochemical demonstration
of some phosphomonoesterases in the duck trigeminal ganglion. Proceedings
of the 2nd scientific session of the Higher Medical Institute in Stara
Zagora, 1, 1988, 2842, (in Bulgarian).
8. Lazarov, N.: Electron microscopical demonstration of
ß-glucuronidase activty in the Herbst corpuscles in ducklings. Ann.
Inst. Sup. Med. St. Zagora 1, 1988, 98-102 (in Bulgarian).
9. Lazarov, N.: Localization of neuropeptide
immunoreactive structures in some mechanoreceptors of birds. Ann. Inst.
Sup. Med. St. Zagora 1, 1988, 103-108 (in Bulgarian).
10. Lazarov, N., I. Stoyanova: Experimental histochemical
studies on the 5-nucleotidase activity in the rabbit nodose ganglion. 3rd
1988, Abstracts, p. 15 (in Bulgarian).
11. Stoyanova, I., N. Lazarov: Electron microscopic
localization of ATPase in rabbit trigeminal ganglion. Ann. Inst. Sup. Med.
St. Zagora 1, 1988, 88-93 (in Bulgarian).
12. Chouchkov, C., N. Lazarov, M. Davidoff: Serotonin-like
immunoreactivity in the cat trigeminal ganglion. Histochemistry 88,
1988, 637-639.
13. Nikolov, V., N. Lazarov, V. Kalaidjieva, A. Logofetov:
Inhibition of kidney endocrinological function by experimental amanitin
intoxication. Ann. Inst. Sup. Med. St. Zagora 1, 1988, 76-83 (in
14. Logofetov, A., V. Nikolov, Zh. Zhelev, V. Kalaidjieva, N. Lazarov: Inhibition of hypoxi-stimulated kidney
erythropoietin production in rabbits by amanitin and phalloidin
intoxication. Acta physiol pharmac bulg, 14, suppl. 1, 1988, 56.
15. Lazarov, N.: Ultracytochemical localization of
adenylate cyclase in the main sensory nucleus of the duck trigeminal nerve.
Proceedings of III Balkan Congress on Electron Microscopy, Athens, Greece,
1989, 62.
16. Lazarov, N.: Immunocytochemical localization of
substance P and somatostatin in primary trigeminal afferent neuron in
duckling. Ann. High. Med. Inst. St. Zagora 2, 1989, 123-129.
17. Chouchkov, C., N. Lazarov: Neuropeptide
immunoreactivity in the cat trigeminal ganglion. Anat. Anz. Suppl. 164, 1989, 207-208.
18. Lazarov, N., C. Chouchkov: Neuropeptide-like
immunoreactivity in the trigeminal principal sensory nucleus of the cat.
Gegenbaurs morphol. Jahrb. Leipzig, 135, 1989, 323.
19. Lazarov, N., C. Chouchkov: Localization of
somatostatin-immunoreactive nerve fibers in the principal trigeminal
sensory nucleus of the cat. Xth Jubilee National Congress of Anatomy,
Histology and Embryology with International Participation. Stara Zagora,
May 25-28, 1989, Abstracts p.62.
20. Lazarov, N., V. Nikolov, V. Kalaidjieva, A. Logofetov:
Morphological and endocrinological changes in rabbit kidneys and liver
after experimental treatment with amanitin and phalloidin. Xth Jubilee
National Congress on Anatomy, Histology and Embryology with International
Participation. Stara Zagora, May 25-28, 1989, Abstracts, p. 62.
21. Lazarov, N., I. Stoyanova, C. Chouchkov:
Immunocytochemical localization of substance P and somatostatin in the cat
trigeminal and nodose ganglia. Gegenbaurs morphol. Jahrb. Leipzig, 135, 1989, 324.
22. Ratchkova, M., N. Lazarov, E. Raikova, M. Zaneva:
Accumulation of a cytostatic group-conjugated tyrosinase in rat thymus: a
histochemical study. Gegenbaurs morphol. Jahrb. Leipzig, 135, 1989,
23. Ratchkova, M., N. Lazarov, E. Raikova, M. Zaneva, M.
Gulubova: Distribution of a cytostatic group-conjugated tyrosinase in rat
thymus and spleen: a histochemical study. Xth Jubilee National Congress of
Anatomy, Histology and Embryology with International Participation. Stara
Zagora, May 25-28, 1989, Abstracts, p. 91.
24. Lazarov, N.: Functional properties of some
neuropeptides in primary trigeminal afferent neuron of the duck. 5th
November 30-December 1, 1990, Abstracts, p. 17.
25. Lazarov, N.: Cytochemical localization of
5-nucleotidase in the cat trigeminal nerve. Histochem. J. 22, 1990,
26. Lazarov, N.: Electron microscopic localization of some
phosphatases in the duck trigeminal ganglion. Med. Biol. Prob. 18,
1990, 37-46.
27. Lazarov, N.: Functional possibilities of some
neuroactive peptides in the primary trigeminal afferent neuron in birds.
Ann. Inst. Sup. Med. St. Zagora 4, 1990, 12-25.
28. Lazarov, N., C. Chouchkov: Localization of
somatostatin-like immunoreactive fibers in the trigeminal principal sensory
nucleus of the cat. Acta histochem. 89, 1990, 91-97.
29. Lazarov, N., C. Chouchkov, I. Stoyanova: Cytochemical
localization of 5-nucleotidase activity in the nodose ganglion of the
rabbit. Acta histochem. 89, 1990, 75-80.
30. Chouchkov, C, N. Lazarov: Substanz
P-immunoreaktivität in den primären Trigeminusneuronen der Katze.
In: G. H. Schumacher, J. Fanghänel und A. Brehmer (Eds.) Oral-Anatomie: Ostsee-Zeitung Verlag und Druck GmbH, Zweigwerk
Greifswald, 1990, pp. 89-91.
31. Chouchkov, C., N. Lazarov: Immunocytochemical
localization of serotonin in the principal sensory trigeminal nucleus of
the cat. IX International Symposium on Morphological Sciences. NANCY,
France, September 9-13, 1990, Abstracts, p. 31.
32. Lazarov. N., C. Chouchkov: Studies on membrane-bound
enzyme histochemistry of the cat trigeminal ganglion. Anat. Anz., Suppl. 172, 1991, 165.
33. Chouchkov, C., N. Lazarov: Peptide- and
serotonin-containing trigeminal primary afferents of the cat. Anat. Anz.,
Suppl. 172, 1991, 48.
34. Lazarov. N.: Immunocytochemical demonstration of some
transmitter candidates in Merkel cell-axon complex of the cat. Ann. Inst.
Sup. Med. St. Zagora 5, 1991, 24-35.
35. Lazarov, N.: Histochemical and immunocytochemical
peculiarities of the primary trigeminal afferent neuron. Ph.D. thesis,
Medical University of Stara Zagora, 1992, 160 pp.
36. Lazarov, N.: Somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in
some avian mechanoreceptors. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 45, 1992,
37. Lazarov, N.: Immunocytochemical demonstration of some
neuropeptides and serotonin in the primary trigeminal afferent neuron of
the cat. National Conference of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Varna,
October 1-3, 1992, Abstracts, p. 17.
38. Lazarov, N., R. Lazarova: Comparison between the
neuropeptide content of Merkel and Grandry cells in birds and mammals: a
light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical study. Proceedings of the
third scientific conference for young scientists "CONTEMPORARY TRENDS IN
39. Chouchkov, C., N. Lazarov: Cholecystokinin-like
immunoreactivity in the primary and central afferent trigeminal neurons of
the cat. Anat. Anz. Suppl. 174, 1992, 39.
40. Lazarov, N.: Substance P-like immunoreactivity in the
cat trigeminal sensory system. Ann. Anatomy Suppl. 175, 1993,
41. Chouchkov, C., N. Lazarov: Comparative distribution of
some neuropeptides and serotonin within the trigeminal principal and
mesencephalic nuclei of the cat. Ann. Anatomy Suppl. 175, 1993, 7.
42. Lazarov, N., C. Chouchkov: Serotoninergic afferents to
the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of the cat: A light and electron
microscopic immunocytochemical study. Proceedings of the scientific session
43. Lazarov, N., C. Chouchkov: Neuropeptides and serotonin
in afferent projections to the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of the cat.
11th Congress of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists, Sofia,
September 23-26, 1993, Abstracts, p. 41.
44. Lazarov, N.: Primary trigeminal afferent neuron of the
cat: I. Studies on membrane-bound enzyme histochemistry. J. Brain Res. 35, 1994, 355-371.
45. Lazarov, N.: Primary trigeminal afferent neuron of the
cat: II. Neuropeptide- and serotonin-like immunoreactivity. J. Brain Res. 35, 1994, 373-389.
46. C. Chouchkov, N. Lazarov: Correlation of
gamma-amino-butyric acid and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the
cat mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. Ann. Anatomy Suppl. 176, 1994,
47. R. Lazarova, N. Lazarov, E. Christakieva, T. Gancheva:
Pathological changes of the skin in case of Angioma serpeginosum:
a light and electron microscopic study. Dermatol. Venereol. 33 ,
1994, 26-29 (in Bulgarian).
48. N. Lazarov: Calcitonin gene-related peptide- and
neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity in the trigeminal primary afferent
neurons of the cat. Eur. J. Morphol. 33, 1995, 177-178.
49. N.E. Lazarov, C.N. Chouchkov: Serotonin-containing
projections to the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of the cat. Anat. Rec. 241, 1995, 136-142.
50. N.E. Lazarov, C.N. Chouchkov: Immunocytochemical
localization of tyrosine hydroxylase and gamma-aminobutyric acid in the
mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of the cat: a light and electron
microscopic study. Anat. Rec. 242, 1995, 123-131.
51. N. Lazarov: Distribution of calcitonin gene-related
peptide- and neuropeptide Y- like immunoreactivity in the trigeminal
ganglion and mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of the cat. Acta histochem. 97, 1995, 213-223.
52. C. Chouchkov, N. Lazarov: Neurotransmitters and
neuropeptides in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of the cat. J. Anat. 177, 1995, 229.
53. N. Lazarov: Distribution and morphology of synaptic
contacts in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of the cat: a quantitative
ultrastructural study. Ann. Anatomy Suppl. 177, 1995, 197.
54. C. Chouchkov, N. Lazarov: The mesencephalic trigeminal
nucleus of the cat: Analysis of the neuronal structure and synaptic
organization of peptidergic and monoaminergic afferents. Ann. Anatomy
Suppl. 177, 1995, 66.
55. C. Chouchkov, N. Lazarov, V. Chouchkova: Neuropeptides
in the rabbit superior mesenteric ganglion. Acta Anat. 152, 1995,
56. C. Chouchkov, N. Lazarov, I. Stoyanova:
Neuropeptide-immunoreactive neuronal structures in the cat and rabbit
superior mesenteric ganglion. The 2nd International Malpighi Symposium,
Rome, Italy, 14-16 September, 1995.
57. N. Lazarov: Ultrastructure and
synaptic organization of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus in the cat.
Proceedings of the 12 Congress Bulg. Anat. Soc., Plovdiv, Bulgaria, October
5-8, 1995, pp. 91-92.
58. N. Lazarov: Fine structure and synaptic organization
of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of the cat: a quantitative electron
microscopic study. Eur. J. Morphol. 34, 1996, 95-106.
59. N.E. Lazarov, C.N. Chouchkov: Peptidergic innervation
of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus in the cat. Anat. Rec. 245,
1996, 581-592.
60. M.I. Rachkova, N. E. Lazarov, E.T.
Raikova, M.A. Tzaneva, M.V. Gulubova: Distribution of cytostatic-conjugated
tyrosinase in rat thymus and splees: histochemical investigation. Ann.
Inst. Sup. Med. St. Zagora 6, 1996, 11-12.
61. K. Lieb, C. Andersen, N. Lazarov, R. Zienecker, I.
Urban, I. Reisert, Ch. Pilgrim: Pre- and postnatal development of
dopaminergic neuron numbers in the male and female midbrain. Dev. Brain
Res. 94, 1996, 37-43.
62. N. Lazarov, U. Schmidt, I. Wanner, C. Pilgrim:
Localization of D1 dopamine receptor mRNA in the rat brain with
non-radioactive in situ hybridization histochemistry. Ann. Anatomy
Suppl. 179, 1997, 319-320.
63. N. Lazarov, U. Schmidt, A. Mayerhofer, Ch. Pilgrim:
Detection of dopamine receptor mRNAs in primary cultures from embryonic rat
striatum with digoxigenin-labeled cRNA probes. Ann. Anatomy Suppl. 179, 1997, 132-133.
64. C. Chouchkov, N. Lazarov, R. Angelov, J. Stoyanov, I.
Stoyanova: Comparative study of the neuropeptide contents of the structures
in the feline and rabbit cranial mesenteric ganglion. XIVth International
Symposium on Morphological Sciences, September 9-13, 1997, Beijing, China,
Abstracts, p. 278.
65. E. Hristozov, D. Djelebov, N. Lazarov, R. Lazarova: A
rare case of xeroderma pigmentosum subtype C: A clinical and
histpathological study. IInd Regional Clinicopathological Colloquim and Ist
Platform on the Progress of Dermatology and Dermatopathology in
Middle-East, Balkanian and Caucasian Countries, September 19-21, 1997,
Antalya, Turkey, Abstracts, Dermatopatoloji Dergisi 6(1-2) Suppl. 1,
1997, 31.
66. N. Lazarov, C. Pilgrim: Localization of D1
and D2 dopamine receptors in the rat mesencephalic trigeminal
nucleus by immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization.
Neurosci. Lett. 236, 1997, 83-86.
67. N.E. Lazarov, C.N. Chouchkov:
Neurochemistry of the cat mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. Biomed. Rev. 8, 1997, 1-20.
68. N.E. Lazarov, U. Schmidt, I. Wanner, Ch. Pilgrim:
Mapping of D1 dopamine receptor mRNA by non-radioactive in situ
hybridization. Histochem. Cell Biol. 109, 1998, 271-279.
69. N. Lazarov, C. Pilgrim: Distribution of dopamine D 1 and D2 receptors in the rat trigeminal nuclei. 40.
Symposium of the Society for Histochemistry, September 22-25, 1998,
Giessen, Germany, Abstracts, p. 56.
70. N. Lazarov, A. Dandov: Distribution of
NADPH-diaphorase/nitric oxide synthase in the trigeminal ganglion and
mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of the cat. A histochemical and
immunohistochemical study. Acta Anat. 163, 1998, 191-200.
71. N. Lazarov, A. Dandov, C. Chouchkov: Comparative
localization of nitric oxide synthase and NADPH-diaphorase in the feline
trigeminal ganglion and mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. Ann. Anatomy
Suppl. 180, 1998, 307.
72. N. Lazarov, A. Dandov, C. Chouchkov: Ultrastructural
relationships between glutamate- and gamma-aminobutyric
acid-immunoreactivity patterns in the cat mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus.
Ann. Anatomy Suppl. 180, 1998, 136.
73. N. Lazarov, R. Lazarova: Immunohistochemical evidence
for psoriasis-related marker substances. Symposium Internationale Tertium
Anatomiae Clinicae, October 9-11, 1998, Varna, Scripta Scientifica Medica 30, Suppl. 3, 1998, 29.
74. R. Lazarova, T. Gancheva, N. Lazarov, E. Hristozov, E.
Hristakieva: Pseudoxanthoma elasticum - perforating variant: a
light- and electronmicroscopic study. Dermatol. Venereol. 37, 1998,
24-27 (in Bulgarian).
75. D.N. Djelebov, E.T. Hristozov, R.D. Lazarova, N.E. Lazarov: A rare case of Xeroderma pigmentosum
associated with a limbal form of Keratoconjunctivitis vernalis: a clinical
and histopathological study. 1998 CLAO Annual Meeting, January 29-31, 1998,
Las Vegas, USA, Abstracts, p. 56.
76. N. Lazarov, A. Dandov, I. Stoyanova, C. Chouchkov:
Calcium-binding proteins in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of the
cat. Arch. Physiol. Biochem. 106, 1998, 370-377.
77. I. Stoyanova, A. Dandov, N. Lazarov, C. Chouchkov:
GABA- and glutamate-immunoreactivity in sensory ganglia of cat: a
quantitative analysis. Arch. Physiol. Biochem 106, 1998, 362-369.
78. E.A.J.F. Lakke, J.M. Guldemond, N.E. Lazarov, K.G.
Usunoff, E. Marani: Nigro-trigeminal and commissural nigral projections in
the rat: an anterograde tracer study using biotinylated dextran amine.
First Congress of Bulgarian Society for Neuroscience, September 24-26,
1998, Sofia, Bulgaria, Abstracts, pp. 18-19.
79. D. Michelot, A. Zheleva, Z. Zhelev, N.E. Lazarov:
Sensitivity of alpha-amanitin to oxidation by a lactoperoxidase hydrogen
peroxide system. Toxicon 36, 1998, 1743.
80. N. Lazarov, A. Dandov, I. Stoyanova, C. Chouchkov:
Expression of neuropeptides and their mRNAs in the cat mesencephalic
trigeminal nucleus after peripheral axotomy of the masseteric nerve. Ann.
Anatomy Suppl. 181, 1999, 129-130.
81. I. Stoyanova, N. Lazarov, A. Dandov, C. Chouchkov:
Calbindin-D28k- and parvalbumin-immunoreactivity in some sensory ganglia of
the cat. Ann. Anatomy Suppl. 181, 1999, 176.
82. N. Lazarov, C. Pilgrim: Distribution of dopamine D 1 receptor mRNA in the rat hippocampal formation. Eur. J.
Morphol. 37, 1999, 57.
83. N. Lazarov, C. Pilgrim: Detection of dopamine D 1 and D2 receptor mRNAs in the rat cerebellum with
digoxigenin-labeled cRNA probes. Eur. J. Morphol. 37, 1999, 58.
84. N. Lazarov, A. Dandov, I. Stoyanova, C. Chouchkov:
Axotomy-induced alterations in the neurochemical content of cat
mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus neurons. It. J. Anat. Embryol. 104
Suppl.1, 1999, 386.
85. E. Hristakieva, R. Lazarova, N. Lazarov, A.
Stanimirović, J. Shani: Markers for vitiligo related neuropeptides in
human skin nerve fibers. Acta med. Croatica 53, 1999, 53-57.
86. Lazarov, N.: The mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus -
ultrastructure, synaptic organization and neurochemical characteristics.
D.Sc. thesis, Medical University of Stara Zagora, 2000, 372 pp.
87. N.E. Lazarov: The mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus in
the cat. Adv. Anat. Embryol. Cell Biol. 153, 2000, pp.1-103.
88. N. Lazarov, A. Dandov: Ultrastructural patterns of
glutamate and GABA immunolabeling in the cat mesencephalic trigeminal
nucleus. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 53, 2000, 109-112.
89. N. Lazarov, C. Beyer: Localization of estrogen
receptor-a and b mRNAs in the developing male and female mouse forebrain
and midbrain by non-radioactive in situ hybridization. Symposium
Internationale Quartum Anatomiae Clinicae, October 6-8, 2000, Varna,
Scripta Scientifica Medica 32 Suppl. 1, 2000, 38.
90. E.A.J.F. Lakke, N.E. Lazarov, K.G. Usunoff, E. Marani:
A direct nigro-trigeminal projection in the rat: An anterograde tracer
study using biotylated dextran amine. Eur. J. Neurosci. 12, Suppl.
11, 2000, 135.
91. R. Lazarova, N. Lazarov: An immunohistochemical study
of neuronal markers in the skin of psoriasis vulgaris. Dermatol.
Venereol. 39, 2000, 8-12 (in Bulgarian).
92. R. Lazarova, E. Hristakieva, N. Lazarov, J. Shani:
Vitiligo-related neuropeptides in nerve fibers of the skin. Arch. Physiol.
Biochem. 108, 2000, 262-267.
93. N. Lazarov: Distribution of D1 and D2 dopamine
receptor mRNAs in the rat basal ganglia and forebrain. Ann. Anatomy Suppl. 183, 2001, 113-114.
94. I. Stoyanova, N. Lazarov: Glutamate: a common
neurotransmitter of primary sensory neurons in the trigeminal ganglion and
mesencephalic nucleus of the cat. Ann. Anatomy Suppl. 183, 2001,
95. N. Lazarov: Mismatches between
transmitter and receptor localizations in the mesencephalic trigeminal
nucleus. XV National Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society. Stara
Zagora, June 1-3, 2001, Abstracts, pp. 7-8.
96. I. Stoyanova, N. Lazarov: Comparative study on the
distribution of NADPH-diaphorase in some sensory ganglia. XV National
Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society. Stara Zagora, June 1-3, 2001,
Abstracts, p. 17.
97. I. Stoyanova, N. Lazarov: Role of calcitonin
gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP) in migraine pain and
trigeminal neuralgia. Pro Otology 1, 2001, 33-35.
98. D. Djelebov, E. Hristozov, R. Lazarova, N. Lazarov, Z.
Trifonov, P. Dimov: Xeroderma pigmentosum associated with a limbal
form of Keratoconjuctivitis vernalis and skin changes of both
auricula. Pro Otology 1, 2001, 36-40.
99. E. Küppers, T. Ivanova, M. Karolczak, N. Lazarov,
K. Föhr, C. Beyer: Classical and nonclassical estrogen action on the
developing midbrain. Hormone Behav. 40, 2001, 196-202.
100. N. Lazarov: Localization of D1 and
D2 dopamine receptor mRNAs in the rat forebrain. 43 Symposium of the
Society for Histochemistry: Secretion and Endocytosis, September 26-29,
2001, Vienna, Austria, Abstracts, p. 72.
101. N. Lazarov: Comparative analysis of the neurochemical
content of the trigeminal primary afferent neurons in the cat. Eur. J.
Morphol. 40, 2002, 128-129.
102. I. Stoyanova, N. Lazarov, A. Dandov, C. Chouchkov:
Quantitative immunoassay of calcium-binding proteins in feline sensory
ganglia. Eur. J. Morphol. 40, 2002, 133.
103. N. Lazarov: Expression of D 1 and D2 dopamine receptor mRNAs in the rat
hindbrain. Ann. Anatomy Suppl. 184, 2002, 99-100.
104. N. E. Lazarov: Comparative analysis of the chemical
neuroanatomy of the mammalian trigeminal ganglion and mesencephalic
trigeminal nucleus. Prog. Neurobiol. 66, 2002, 19-59.
105. N. Lazarov: Nonradioactive in situ hybridization: principles and applications in
neurobiological research. 12thScientific session of the Higher
Medical Institute in Pleven, Pleven, May 16-18, 2002, Abstracts, p. 43 (in
106. N. Lazarov, R. Lazarova: Immunohistochemical
localization of nitric oxide synthases in psoriasis. Vth International
Symposium of Clinical Anatomy, October 11-13, 2002, Varna, Scripta
Scientifica Medica 34 Suppl. 1, 2002, 34-35.
107. R. Lazarova, N. E. Lazarov, T. Gantcheva, M. Ganeva:
Morphological features of the Netherton syndrome: A light and electron
microscopic study. In: Proceedings of the Jubilee Scientific Conference "20
years Higher Medical Institute/Faculty of Medicine Stara Zagora", Vol. 2, Clinical Medicine. Kota, Stara Zagora, 2002, pp. 180-184.
108. Zh. Penkova, M. Draganov, I. Stoyanova, N. Lazarov:
Immunocytochemical localization of galanin in trigeminal primary sensory
neurons of the cat. In: Proceedings of the Jubilee Scientific Conference
"20 years Higher Medical Institute/Faculty of Medicine Stara Zagora", Vol.
1, Biomedical Sciences. Kota, Stara Zagora, 2002, pp. 11-15.
109. M. Draganov, Zh. Penkova, I. Stoyanova, N. Lazarov:
Histaminergic innervation of trigeminal ganglion and mesencephalic
trigeminal neurons: A light microscopic study in the cat. In: Proceedings
of the Jubilee Scientific Conference "20 years Higher Medical
Institute/Faculty of Medicine Stara Zagora", Vol. 1, Biomedical Sciences. Kota, Stara Zagora, 2002, pp. 16-20.
110. N. Lazarov, M. Draganov: Expression of dopamine and
estrogen receptors in the rat mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. IInd
National Congress of Neuroscience with International Participation, October
24-26, 2002, Sofia, Abstracts, pp. 27-28.
111. A. Dandov, Zh. Penkova, N. Lazarov: Expression of
mRNAs encoding D1 and D2 dopamine receptors in
cultured embryonic rat striatum. IInd National Congress of Neuroscience
with International Participation, October 24-26, 2002, Sofia, Abstracts,
pp. 8-9.
112. A. Ivanov, N. Lazarov, N. Grozeva: Ultrastrutural
study of Sarcocystis species in sheep and goats. Bulg. J. Vet.
Med. 5, 2002, 189-194.
113. N. Lazarov, K. Usunoff: Descending projections from
the trigeminal ganglion and mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. Trakia J.
Sci. 1, 2003, 5-14.
114. N. Lazarov: The anatomical basis of psychosomatic
disorders. In: D.L. Dumitrascu (Ed.) Psychosomatic Medicine: Recent Progress and Current Trends. "Iuliu
Hatieganu" University Publishing House, Cluj, 2003, pp. 13-17.
115. N. Lazarov, Zh. Penkova, V. Nikolov:
Localization of estrogen receptors in the dorsal root ganglia of female
intact and ovariectomized rats by non-radioactive in situ hybridization.
In: W. Ovtscharoff, A. Bozhilova-Pastirova, D. Brazitzova (Eds.)
Anatomical Collection: 85th Anniversary of the Department of
Anatomy and Histology
. Bolid Publishing House, Sofia, 2003, pp. 52-54.
116. A. Dandov, Zh. Penkova, N. Lazarov:
Nitric oxide comes early on stage. XVI National Congress of Anatomy with
International Participation. Sofia, June 5-7, 2003, Abstracts, p. 20.
117. K. Usunoff, D.E. Itzev, D. Duridanova, N. Lazarov, A. Wree: Divergent projections to the thalamus
and the cerebral cortex from the brain stem in the rat. A fluorescent
retrograde tracer study. In: W. Ovtscharoff, A. Bozhilova-Pastirova, D.
Brazitzova (Eds.)
Anatomical Collection: 85th Anniversary of the Department of
Anatomy and Histology
. Bolid Publishing House, Sofia, 2003, pp. 93-94.
118. N. E. Lazarov, R. Lazarova: Immunohistochemical
localization of nitric oxide synthases in psoriasis. Comp. rend. Acad.
bulg. Sci. 56, 2003, 91-96.
119. L. Kasakov, V. Nikolov, A. Logofetov, N. Lazarov, M.
Vlaskovska: The effect of phytoestrogens on pain and inflammation. Vth
National Congress on Pharmacology and Toxilogy. Sofia, October 21-23, 2004,
Abstracts, p. 76.
120. N. Lazarov: How does the nervous system in health and
digestive diseases work? International Symposium on Organic and Functional
Disturbances of the Digestive System. Baia Mare, Romania, July 16, 2004.
121. M. Draganov, D. Itzev, N. Lazarov: A direct
trigemino-solitary projection in the rat: An anterograde tracer study using
biotinylated dextran amine. Proceedings of the VIth International Symposium
of Clinical Anatomy, October 8-10, 2004, Varna, Scripta Scientifica Medica 36 Suppl. 1, 2004, 58-59.
122. I. Stoyanova, N. Lazarov: Substance P- and calcitonin
gene-related peptide-containing neurons in the feline spinal and superior
mesenteric ganglia projecting to the distal ileum. Acta morhologica et
antropologica 10, 2005, 16-19.
123. I.I. Stoyanova, N.E. Lazarov: Localization of nitric
oxide synthase in rat trigeminal primary afferent neurons using
NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry. J. Mol. Histol. 36, 2005, 187-193.
124. N. Lazarov: Phylogenese und Ontogenese des Nervus
trigeminus. EWMM-Kongress. Bochum, Germany, May 20-21, 2005.
125. N. Lazarov: Functional morphology and neurochemistry
of the trigeminal sensory system. IIIrd National Congress of Neuroscience,
June 3-4, 2005, Sofia, Abstracts, p. 18.
126. N. Lazarov: Neurotransmitters in arterial
chemoreception: Role of histamine and histamine receptors. First
Romanian-Bulgarian Symposium of Internal Pathology: Clinical Application of
Basic Research. Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 8, 2005.
127. N. Lazarov, S. Reindl, V. Rey-Ares, M. Gratzl:
Expression of histamine receptors in the carotid body chemosensory system
of adult rats. XVII National Congress of Anatomy with International
Participation. Hissar, June 10-12, 2005, Abstracts, p. 20.
128. I. Stoyanova, N.Lazarov:
Localization of orexin A-immunoreactive fibers in the mesencephalic
trigeminal nucleus of the rat
. XVII National Congress of Anatomy with International Participation.
Hissar, June 10-12, 2005, Abstracts, p. 36.
129. M. Draganov, A. Dandov, N. Lazarov:
De novo synthesis of certain neuropeptides in the rat mesencephalic
trigeminal nucleus after peripheral axotom
y. XVII National Congress of Anatomy with International
Participation. Hissar, June 10-12, 2005, Abstracts, p. 8.
130. I.I. Stoyanova, N.E. Lazarov:
Localization of orexin-A-immunoreactive fibers in the mesencephalic
trigeminal nucleus of the rat
. Brain Res. 1054, 2005, 82-87.
131. N. Lazarov: The anatomical background of
neurogastroenterology. In: D.L. Dumitrascu, L. Nedelcu (Eds.) Neurogastroenterology: From Basic Knowledge to Clinical Practice.
"Iuliu Hatieganu" University Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2005, pp.
132. N. Lazarov, S. Reindl, V. Rey-Ares, M. Gratzl:
Evidence for a histaminergic signal transduction in rat carotid body neural
pathways. Anniversary Scientific Conference 10 Years Trakia University,
Stara Zagora, September 29, 2005.
133. N.E. Lazarov, C. Pilgrim: Forebrain dopamine
receptors in cognitive, memory and learning processes. Biomed. Rev. 16, 2005, 59-75.
134. D. Prangova, E. Hristozov, N. Lazarov, R. Lazarova,
T. Gantcheva, M. Tzaneva: Idiopathic variant of skin ochronosis. Trakia J.
Sci. 3, 2005, 70-72.
135. A. Dandov, M. Draganov, N. Lazarov: Synthesis of
galanin and neuropeptide Y in the rat mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
after injury of n. massetericus. Trakia J. Sci. 3(3), 2005, 1-5.
136. M. Draganov, D. Itzev, N. Lazarov: An anterograde
tracer study of a direct trigemino-nigral projection in the rat brain using
biotinylated dextran amine (BDA). Trakia J. Sci. 3(4), 2005, 6-9.
137. N. Lazarov, M. Rozloznik, S. Reindl, V. Rey-Ares, M.
Dutschmann, M. Gratzl: Expression of histamine receptors and effect of
histamine in the rat carotid body chemoafferent pathway. J. Vasc. Res. 43, 2006, 556.
138. V. Rey, N. Lazarov, D. Berg, U. Berg, L. Kunz, A.
Mayerhofer: Ovarian dopamine receptor D2: Functional studies in human
granulosa-luteal cells. Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes 114, 2006,
139. M. Draganov, D. Itzev, N. Lazarov: Descending
projections from the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus to the caudal
brainstem in the rat: An anterograde tracer study using biotinylated
dextran amine. Acta morhologica et antropologica 11, 2006, 3-8.
140. A. Dandov, N. Lazarov: Diaphorase activity expression in dissociated
cortical cultures from murine embryos. IInd Koprivshtitsa Morphological
Days. Koprivshtitsa, June 2-4, 2006.
141. M. Draganov, D. Itzev, N. Lazarov: Direct projections of mesencephalic trigeminal
neurons to trigeminalmotoneurons and interneurons in the rat. IInd
Koprivshtitsa Morphological Days. Koprivshtitsa, June 2-4, 2006.
142. N. Lazarov, M. Gratzl: Selective expression of
histamine receptors in rat mesencephalic trigeminal neurons.Neurosci. Lett. 404, 2006, 67-71.
143. N. Lazarov, M. Rozloznik, S. Reindl, V. Rey-Ares, M.
Dutschmann, M. Gratzl: Expression of histamine receptors and effect of
histamine in the rat carotid body chemoafferent pathway. Eur. J. Neurosci. 24, 2006, 3431-3444.
144. A. Dandov, I. Stoyanova, N. Pirovski, N. Lazarov: De
novo synthesis of galanin and neuropeptide Y seven and fourteen days after
an axotomy of n. massetericus. Trakia J. Sci. 5, Suppl. 2, 2007, 17-18.
145. A. Dandov, I. Stoyanova, N. Lazarov: Functional
aspects of neuronal cell cultures. Trakia J. Sci. 5, Suppl. 2
, 2007, 8-9.
146. N. Lazarov, S. Reindl, M. Gratzl: Expression of
neurotransmitters and their receptors in the rat and human carotid body.
Trakia J. Sci. 5, Suppl. 2, 2007, 4-5.
147. N. Lazarov: Twenty-Five Years The Department of
Anatomy in Stara Zagora. Trakia J. Sci. 5, Suppl. 2, 2007,
148. N. Lazarov: Functional morphology of the enteric
nervous system in health and digestive diseases. In: Dan L. Dumitrascu
(Ed.) Current Topics in Neurogastroenterology.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of
Neurogastroenterology, "Iuliu Hatieganu" University Publishing House,
Cluj-Napoca, 2007, pp. 18-25.
149. Zh. Penkova, B. Hirt, M. Mueller, H.
Loewenheim, P. Dimov, N. Lazarov: Aquaporin 2 in the inner
ear - apotential volume regulator of the endolymph. IB ORL Journal 2
, 2007, 53-56.
150. K.G. Usunoff, D.E. Itzev, N.E. Lazarov, O. Schmitt, A. Rolfs, A. Wree: Interconnections
between the central amygdaloid nucleus and the bed nucleus of stria
terminalis in the rat. An anterograde and retrograde tracing study. Comp.
rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 60, 2007, 1127-1132.
151. K.G. Usunoff, N.E. Lazarov, D.E.
Itzev, O. Schmitt, A. Rolfs, A. Wree: Cholinergic neuronal system of rat
amygdala. An immunocytochemical study. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 60, 2007, 1215-1220.
152. V. Rey-Ares, N. Lazarov, D. Berg, U. Berg, L. Kunz,
A. Mayerhofer: Dopamine receptor repertoire of human granulosa cells.
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 5, 2007, 40-49,
153. N.E. Lazarov: Neurobiology of
orofacial proprioception. Brain Res. Rev. 56(2), 2007, 362-383.
154. K.G. Usunoff, O. Schmitt, N.E. Lazarov, D.E. Itzev, A. Rolfs, A. Wree: Efferent
projections of the claustrum to the dorsal and ventral striatum, substantia
nigra, ventral tegmental area and parabrachial nuclei. Retrograde tracing
study in the rat. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 61(6), 2008, 817-825.
155. K.G. Usunoff, O. Schmitt, N.E. Lazarov, D.E. Itzev, A. Rolfs, A. Wree: Differential
projections to the dorsal and ventral striatum from the dopaminergic,
noradrenergic, serotonergic and cholinergic neuronal groups of the brain
stem. A retrograde tracing study in the rat. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 61(7), 2008, 945-954.
156. A. Dandov, N. Lazarov: Diaphorase activity expression in dissociated
cortical cultures from mouse embryos. Acta morhologica et antropologica 13, 2008, 10-12.
157. M. Draganov, D. Itzev, N. Lazarov: Direct projections from the mesencephalic
trigeminal neurons to the trigeminal motoneurons and interneurons in the
rat. Acta morhologica et antropologica 13, 2008, 13-16.
158. Zh. Penkova, B. Hirt, M. Mueller, H.
Loewenheim, P. Dimov, N. Lazarov: Localization
of aquaporin 5 in the cochlea. Trakia J. Sci. 6, Suppl. 1, 2008, 28-31.
159. K.G. Usunoff, N.E . Lazarov, D.E. Itzev, O. Schmitt, A.
Rolfs, A. Wree. Projections from the central amygdaloid nucleus to the
mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus in the rat. IIIrd Koprivshtitsa
Morphological Days, Koprivshtitsa, May 30-June 1, 2008.
160. N. Lazarov, S. Reindl, M. Gratzl: Evidence for
histamine as a transmitter of hypoxic chemosensitivity in the human carotid
body. VIIIth International Symposium of Clinical Anatomy, October 10-12,
2008, Varna, Scripta Scientifica Medica 40 Suppl. 1, 2008, 28.
161. N.E. Lazarov, S. Reindl, M. Gratzl: ASIC4, an
acid-sensing ion channel, is expressed in the human carotid body. IVth
National Congress of Neuroscience, Sofia, September 26-27, 2008.
162. K.G. Usunoff, N.E. Lazarov, D.E.
Itzev, O. Schmitt, A. Rolfs, A. Wree: Efferent projections of the medial
amygdaloid nucleus in the mouse. IVth National Congress of Neuroscience,
Sofia, September 26-27, 2008.
163. K.G. Usunoff, N.E. Lazarov, D.E.
Itzev, O. Schmitt, A. Rolfs, A. Wree: Efferent projections of the central
amygdaloid nucleus to the brainstem in the rat: An anterograde tracing
study. VIIIth International Symposium of Clinical Anatomy, October 10-12,
2008, Varna, Scripta Scientifica Medica 40 Suppl. 1, 2008, 37.
164. K.G. Usunoff, D.E. Itzev, O.A. Lyubashina, N.E. Lazarov, O. Schmitt, A. Rolfs, A. Wree: Nitric
oxide-producing neurons in the amygdaloid nuclear complex of rat. An
immunohistochemical study. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 61(10),
2008, 1357-1366.
165. K.G. Usunoff, O. Schmitt, N.E. Lazarov, D.E. Itzev,
A. Rolfs, A. Wree: Amygdala and subcortical vision: Recognition of threat
and fear. Biomedical Reviews 19, 2008, 1-16.
166. D.E. Itzev, N.E. Lazarov, K.G. Usunoff, N.N. Negrev,
R.G. Radomirov: Age-related changes in the substance P-immunoreactive nerve
structures of the rat recto-anal region. XIX National Congress of the
Bulgarian Anatomical Society with International Participation. Pleven, May
29-31, 2009, Abstracts, p. 25.
167. N.E. Lazarov, S. Reindl, M. Gratzl: Neurotransmitters
and their receptors in the rat superior cervical ganglion. XIX National
Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society with International
Participation. Pleven, May 29-31, 2009, Abstracts, pp. 4-5.
168. A.D. Dandov, Zh. Penkova, N. Lazarov: Substance P
expression in the rat mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus after a peripheral
neuronal injury. XIX National Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society
with International Participation. Pleven, May 29-31, 2009, Abstracts, p. 5.
169. N.Е. Lazarov,
S. Reindl, F. Fischer, M. Gratzl: Histaminergic and dopaminergic traits in
the human carotid body. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 165, 2009,
170. Zh. Penkova, B. Hirt, M. Mueller, H. Loewenheim, N. Lazarov: Vasopressin induced endolymphaic hydrops in
guinea pigs. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 62(3), 2009, 401-404.
171. Zh. Penkova, B. Hirt, M. Mueller, H. Loewenheim, N. Lazarov: Pilocarpine mediated Aquaporin-5 translocation
in the inner ear. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 62(4), 2009, 525-528.
172. Zh. Penkova, B. Hirt, M. Mueller, H.
Loewenheim, N. Lazarov: Aquaporins in the inner
ear: Distribution and pathophysiological implications.
Acta morhologica et antropologica 14, 2009, 156-162.
173. N. Lazarov, D. Itzev, K. Usunoff, N. Negrev, R.
Radomirov: Changes in substance P-immunoreactive nerve structures of the
rat recto-anal region in aging. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 62(8),
2009, 1047-1052.
174. N.E. Lazarov, S. Reindl, M. Gratzl: Neurotransmitters
and their receptors in the rat superior cervical ganglion. J. Biomed. Clin.
Res. 2, 2009, 19-25.
175. D.E. Itzev, N.E. Lazarov, N.N. Negrev, R.G.
Radomirov: Changes in the substance P-immunoreactivity of the rat
recto-anal region in aging. Autonomic & Autacoid Pharmacology 30
, 2009, 25.
176. K.G. Usunoff, O. Schmitt, D.E. Itzev, S. J.-P. Haas, N.E. Lazarov, A. Rolfs, A. Wree: Efferent
projections of the anterior and posterodorsal regions of the medial nucleus
of the amygdala in the mouse. Cells Tissues Organs 190(5), 2009,
177. J. Tchekalarova, D. Pechlivanova, D. Itzev, N. Lazarov, P. Markova, A. Stoinev: Diurnal rhythms of
spontaneous reccurent seizures and behavioural alterations of Wistar and
spontaneously hypertensive rats in the kainate model of epilepsy. Epilepsy
& Behavior 17, 2010, 23-32.
178. N. Lazarov, D. Itzev, K. Usunoff, N. Negrev, R.
Radomirov: Age-related changes in substance P-immunoreactive nerve
structures of the rat recto-anal region. Cent. Eur. J. Med. 5(3),
2010, 358-364.
179. E. Marani, N.E. Lazarov, T. Heida, K.G. Usunoff.
Nigro-subthalamic and nigro-trigeminal projections in the rat. In: P.D.
Barnidis and N. Pallikarakis (Eds.) MEDICON 2010 (
XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and
Computing, 27-30 May, Chalkidiki, Greece),
IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 29, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, pp. 184-187.
ISSN 1680-0737 ISBN 978-3-642-13038-0.
180. M. Stefanov, D. Vladova, R. Dimitrov, N. Lazarov:
Ultrastructural localization of protein gene product 9.5 and neuron
specific enolase in the normal prostate. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 63(3), 2010, 455-460.
181. N.E. Lazarov, D.Y. Atanassova, D.E. Itzev, N.N.
Negrev, G.Ts. Stavreva, R.G. Radomirov: Morphological evidence for
age-related changes in the NADPH-d activity of myenteric neurons in the rat
recto-anal region. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 63(8), 2010,
182. K.G. Usunoff, N.E. Lazarov, D.E. Itzev, O. Schmitt,
A. Rolfs, A. Wree: Projections from the central amygdaloid nucleus to the
mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus in the rat. Acta morhologica et
antropologica 15, 2010, 11-15.
183. A. Dandov, Zh. Penkova, N. Lazarov: De novo
expression of neuropeptides in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of the
rat after masseteric nerve injury. Acta morhologica et antropologica 15, 2010, 27-30.
184. N. Lazarov, K. Usunoff, D. Itzev, O. Schmitt, A.
Rolfs, A. Wree: Orexinergic innervation of the rat amygdala. IVth
Koprivshtitsa Morphological Days. Koprivshtitsa, June 4-6, 2010.
185. N. Lazarov, D. Atanassova, D. Itzev, N. Negrev, R.
Radomirov: Age-related changes in the NADPH-d activity of the myenteric
neurons of the rat recto-anal region. IVth Koprivshtitsa Morphological
Days. Koprivshtitsa, June 4-6, 2010.
186. O. Lyubashina, D. Atanassova, A. Dorofeeva, D. Itzev, S. Pantaleev, N. Lazarov: Expression of c-Fos and co-localization with
NADP-d in the rat medulla oblongata after colorectal distention. IVth
Koprivshtitsa Morphological Days. Koprivshtitsa, June 4-6, 2010.
187. A. Dandov, N. Lazarov: The MTN neurons and how they
react to peripheral trauma (the morphological aspect). IVth Koprivshtitsa
Morphological Days. Koprivshtitsa, June 4-6, 2010.
188. N. Lazarov, S. Reindl, M. Gratzl: Neurotransmission
in the human carotid body: Focus on the role of dopamine and histamine in
hypoxic chemoreception. Acta morhologica et antropologica 16, 2010,
189. N.E. Lazarov, D.Y. Atanassova, D.E. Itzev, N. Negrev:
Substance P-ergic innervation of the recto-anal region in the rat.
Zdrave&Nauka 1, 2011, 31-33 (in Bulgarian).
190. N.E. Lazarov, K.G. Usunoff, O. Schmitt, D.E. Itzev,
A. Rolfs, A. Wree: Amygdalotrigeminal projection in the rat: An anterograde
tracing study. Ann. Anat. 193(2), 2011, 118-126.
included in the rat connectome database of neuroVIISAS at:
191. D.Y. Atanassova, N.E. Lazarov: Dopamine and
dopaminergic innervation of the rat carotid body. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg.
Sci. 64(5), 2011, 751-756.
192. N. Lazarov, V. Lazarov, A. Bulling, M. Gratzl: Body
Explorer 3.0: an easily accessed multi user web system for studying
cross-sectional anatomy. Abstracts for the Joint Meeting of Anatomical
Societies, 19-22 May 2011, Bursa, Turkey. Anatomy 5 Suppl., 2011,
S18, doi:10.2399/ana.11.001s.
193. N.E. Lazarov, D.Y. Atanasova, S. Reindl, M. Gratzl:
Dopamine and histamine: two major transmitters in hypoxic chemosensitivity
in the human carotid body. Clujul Medical 84, Suppl. 2(2), 2011, 84-88.
194. A. Dandov, N. Lazarov: Down-regulation of
calcium-binding proteins in the rat mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
following a peripheral injury. XXth National Congress of the Bulgarian
Anatomical Society and VIIIth International Symposium of Clinical Anatomy,
September 30- October 1, 2011, Varna, Scripta Scientifica Medica 43(2), 2011, 87.
195. N. Lazarov, V. Lazarov, A. Bulling, M. Gratzl: Body
Explorer 3.0: an easily accessed multi user web system for studying
cross-sectional anatomy. XXth National Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical
Society and VIIIth International Symposium of Clinical Anatomy, September
30- October 1, 2011, Varna, Scripta Scientifica Medica 43(2), 2011,
196. D. Atanasova, D. Itzev, N. Lazarov:
A morphological study of the rat carotid body. XXth National Congress of
the Bulgarian Anatomical Society and VIIIth International Symposium of
Clinical Anatomy, September 30-October 1, 2011, Varna, Scripta Scientifica
Medica 43(2), 2011, 108-109.
197. D. Atanasova, D. Itzev, N. Lazarov:
Histamine, an important neuromodulator of hypoxic chemosensitivity in the
rat carotid body. XXth National Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical
Society and VIIIth International Symposium of Clinical Anatomy, September
30- October 1, 2011, Varna, Scripta Scientifica Medica 43(2), 2011,
198. N. Lazarov, D. Itzev, G. Stavreva, R. Radomirov: The
role of some neurotransmitters in the recto-anal motility in a rat model.
In: Dan L. Dumitrascu, Vasile Drug (Eds.) Functional and Motility Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract.
Proceedings of the Humboldt Kolleg NeurogastRO 2011 and 3rd
International Symposium of Neurogastroenterology, "Iuliu Hatieganu"
University Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2011, pp. 239-251.
199. N. Lazarov, K. Usunoff, D. Itzev, A. Rolfs, A. Wree,
O. Schmitt: Orexinergic innervation of the rat extended amygdala. Acta
morhologica et antropologica 17, 2011, 10-14.
200. D. Y. Atanasova, M.E. Iliev, N.E. Lazarov:
Morphology of the rat carotid body. Biomedical Reviews 22, 2011, 41-55.
201. O. Schmitt, K.G. Usunoff, N.E. Lazarov, D.E. Itzev, P. Eipert, A. Rolfs, A. Wree:
Orexinergic innervation of the extended amygdala and basal ganglia in the
rat. Brain Struct. Funct. 217(2), 2012, 233-256.
202. N. Lazarov: The neurochemical anatomy of trigeminal
primary afferent neurons. In: C.M. Contreras (Ed.) Neuroscience - Dealing
with Frontiers, InTech, Rijeka, 2012, pp. 167-194, ISBN 978-953-51-0207-6.
203. T. Heida, J. Stegenga, M.A.J. Lourens, H. Meijer, S.A. van Gils, N.E. Lazarov, E. Marani:
Simulating idiopathic Parkinson's disease by in vitro and
computational models
In: G.R. Naik (Ed.) Applied Biological Engineering -
Principles and Practice, InTech, Rijeka, 2012, pp. 209-236, ISBN
204. S.Y. Nikolova, D.H. Toneva, Y.A. Yordanov, N.E. Lazarov: Absence of foramen spinosum and abnormal
middle meningeal artery in cranial series. Anthropologischer Anzeiger
(Anthrop. Anz.) 69(3), 2012, 351-366.
205. O. Lyubashina, D. Atanasova, S. Panteleev, D. Itzev,N. Lazarov: Differential c-fos expression in nuclei of thecaudal
medulla oblongata following noxious colorectal distension in anaesthetized
rats. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 65(5), 2012, 709-716.
206. N. Lazarov, D. Atanasova: The human carotid body in
health and disease. Vth Morphological Days. Sofia, June 1-3, 2012.
207. D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Expression of some
neuropeptides in the rat carotid body. Vth Morphological Days. Sofia, June
1-3, 2012.
208. A. Dandov, N. Lazarov: Neurochemical plasticity of
rat mesencephalic trigeminal neurons following а peripheral axonal
injury. Vth Morphological Days. Sofia, June 1-3, 2012.
209. N. Lazarov, D.
Atanasova, G. Stavreva: Immunohistochemical evidence for the presence of
ATP-containing structures in the rat colon. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg.
Sci.65(11), 2012, 1613-1618.
210. G. Stavreva, R. Radomirov, N. Lazarov: Effect of cibacron blue and suramin on
non-adrenergic non-cholinergic motor responses in rat anorectum. 6 th European Congress of Pharmacology, Granada, July 17-20, 2012.
211. N. Lazarov, M. Iliev, D. Atanasova: Enzyme
histochemical investigations of the mammalian carotid body. Jubilee
symposium "50 years of the Departmeny of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology,
Medical University-Varna", Varna, November 1-2, 2012.
212. A. Dandov, N. Lazarov: Neurochemical plasticity of
rat mesencephalic trigeminal neurons following peripheral axonal injury.
Jubilee symposium "50 years of the Departmeny of Anatomy, Histology and
Embryology, Medical University-Varna", Varna, November 1-2, 2012.
213. Е.A. Ivanov, N.E. Lazarov:
Postnatal development of the afferent innervation of the mammalian cochlea.
Biomed. Rev. 23, 2012, 37-52.
214. D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Expression of some
neuropeptides in the rat carotid body. Acta morphologica et anthropologica 19, 2012, 15-19.
215. N. Lazarov, D. Atanasova: The human carotid body in
health and disease. Acta morphologica et anthropologica 19, 2012, 135-140.
216. J. Tchekalarova, Z. Petkova, D. Pechlivanova, S. Moyanova, L.
Kortenska, R. Mitreva, V. Lozanov, D. Atanasova, N . Lazarov, A. Stoynev: Prophylactic
treatment with melatonin after status epilepticus: Effects on
epileptogenesis, neuronal damage and behavioral changes in kainate model of
temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior 27(1),
2013, 174-187.
217. N. Lazarov, M. Iliev, D. Atanasova: Enzyme
histochemical investigations of the mammalian carotid body. Scripta
Scientifica Medica 45, Suppl. 1, 2013, 34-38.
218. D. Atanasova, N. Dimitrov, N. Lazarov: Expression of
some neurotrophic factors and their corresponding receptors in the rat
carotid body. 108th Annual Meeting of the Anatomische
Gesellschaft, Magdeburg, Germany, March 22-25, 2013.
219. Z. Petkova, J. Tchekalarova, D. Pechlivanova, V. Lozanov, D.
Atanasova, N. Lazarov,
A. Stoynev: Effects of long-term treatment with melatonin on
epileptogenesis, neuronal damage and behavioral changes in kainate model of
epilepsy in SHRs. 4th London-Innsbruck-Colloquium on Status
Epilepticus, 4-6 April 2013, Salzburg, Austria, Epilepsia 54, Suppl. 6, p. 107.
220. N. Lazarov, D. Atanasova: Expression of some
neurotrophic factors and their corresponding receptors in the carotid body
of spontaneously hypertensive rats. XXIst National Congress of the
Bulgarian Anatomical Society, May 31- June 2, 2013, Sofia, Abstracts, pp.
221. D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Localization of nitrergic
structures in the carotid body and superior cervical ganglion in rats.
XXIst National Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society, May 31- June
2, 2013, Sofia, Abstracts, pp. 11-12.
222. A. Dandov, N. Lazarov: Morpho-neurochemical
alterations in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of the rat after
peripheral axonal injury. XXIst National Congress of the Bulgarian
Anatomical Society, May 31- June 2, 2013, Sofia, Abstracts, pp. 75-76.
223. D. Atanasova, N. Dimitrov, N. Lazarov: Expression of
some neurotrophic factors and their corresponding receptors in the rat
carotid body. 55th Symposium of the Society for Histochemistry,
June 11-14, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, Abstracts, p. 84.
224. N. Lazarov, V. Lazarov, A. Bulling, M. Gratzl: Body
Explorer 3.0: an interactive multilingual web system for studying
cross-sectional anatomy. Humboldt-Kolleg 2013 Resources of Danubian Region:
The Possibility of Cooperation and Utilization. June 12-15, 2013, Belgrade,
225. N.E. Lazarov: Neuroanatomical tract-tracing using
biotinylated dextran amine. In: Renping Zhou, Lin Mei (Eds.) Neural Development: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular
Biology, vol. 1018, Humana Press, Springer Science+Business Media, New
York, LLC, 2013, pp. 323-334, ISBN 978-1-62703-443-2.
included in the rat connectome database of neuroVIISAS at:
226. D.Y. Atanasova, A. Martseva, O. Lyubashina, D. Itzev, S. Panteleev, N. Lazarov: Neuronal processing of
noxious colonic input in the caudal medulla of the rat. 45th
European Brain and Behaviour Society Meeting, 6-9 September 2013, Munich,
Germany, P102, Abstracts, p. 81.
227. D.Y. Atanasova, J. Tchekalarova, Z. Petkova, D. Pechlivanova, N.
Lazarov: Treatment with melatonin after kainate-induced status epilepticus:
Effects on epileptogenesis, neuronal damage and behavioral changes in
spontaneously hypertensive rats. 45th European
Brain and Behaviour Society Meeting, 6-9 September 2013, Munich, Germany,
P184, Abstracts, p. 163.
228. S.P. Pencheva, E.A. Ivanov, N.E. Lazarov: Granule
cells of the cochlear nucleus in rats: Ultrastructural and
immunohistochemical study. XIXth Session of the Balkan Medical Days and the
Second Congress of Emergency Medicine of the Republic of Moldova, 22-24
September 2013, Chisinau, Moldova, Archives of the Medical Union 48, Suppl. 3, 2013, p. 110.
229. N.E. Lazarov, V.N. Lazarov, A. Bulling, M. Gratzl:
Body Explorer 3.0: an interactive multilingual web system for studying
cross-sectional anatomy. In: L.C. Popovic, M. Vidakovic, D.S. Kostic (Eds.)
Resources of Danubian Region: The Possibility of Cooperation and
Proceedings of the Humboldt Kolleg Belgrade 2013, Humboldt-Club Serbien,
Belgrade, Serbia, 2013, pp. 197-202.
230. Z. Petkova, J. Tchekalarova, D. Pechlivanova, V. Lozanov, D.
Atanasova, N. Lazarov,
A. Stoynev: Effects of long-term treatment with melatonin on
epileptogenesis, neuronal damage and behavioral changes in kainate model of
epilepsy in SHRs. 4th London-Innsbruck-Colloquium on Status
Epilepticus, 4-6 April 2013, Salzburg, Austria, Epilepsia 54, Suppl. 6, p. 107.
231. D.Y. Atanasova, N.E. Lazarov: Immunohistochemical
localization of some neurotrophic factors and their receptors in the rat
carotid body. Neurosci. Med. 4(4), 2013, 284-289.
232. Е.A. Ivanov, S.P. Doseva, N.E. Lazarov: Postnatal development of the inner ear efferent
innervation in mammals. Biomed. Rev. 24, 2013, 33-48.
233. J. Tchekalarova, Z. Petkova, D. Pechlivanova, S. Moyanova, L.
Kortenska, R. Mitreva, D. Popov, P. Markova, V. Lozanov, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov, A. Stoynev:
Treatment with melatonin after status epilepticus attenuates seizure
activity and neuronal damage but does not prevent the disturbance in
diurnal rhythms and behavioral alterations in spontaneously hypertensive
rats in kainate model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior 31, 2014, 198-208.
234. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, Y. Yordanov, N. Lazarov:
Multiple Wormian bones and their relation with definitepathological
conditions in a case of an adult cranium. Anthropologischer Anzeiger
(Anthrop. Anz.) 71(3), 2014, 169-190.
235. D.Y. Atanasova, N.E. Lazarov: Expression of
neurotrophic factors and their receptors in the carotid body of
spontaneously hypertensive rats. Resp. Physiol. Neurobiol. 202, 2014, 6-15.
236. S.Y. Nikolova, D.H. Toneva, Y.A. Yordanov, N.E. Lazarov: Variations in the squamous part of the
occipital bone in medieval and contemporary cranial series from Bulgaria.
Folia Morphol. 73(4), 2014, 429-438.
237. P. Goranova, I. Michailova, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov:
Structure of the rat carotid body. XIII International Congress of Medical
Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 8-11, 2014, Tribuna Medica LXVI, Suppl. 1,
2014, 69.
238. I. Michailova, P. Goranova, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov:
Ultrastructure of the carotid body in rats. XIII International Congress of
Medical Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 8-11, 2014, Tribuna Medica LXVI,
Suppl. 1, 2014, 70.
239. D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Histochemical localization
of tripeptidyl aminopeptidase I in the rat carotid body. 3rd
Balkan Scientific Conference on Biology, Plovdiv, May 30-June 1, 2014,
Abstracts p. 122.
240. N. Lazarov, D. Atanasova, A. Ivanov: Thermal
stress-induced expression of CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the rat rostral
pons. VIth Morphological Days. Sofia, June 6-8, 2014.
241. D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Hypertension alters the neurotrophic factor
profile in the carotid body of adult rats. 9thFENS Forum of
Neuroscience, July 5-9, 2014, Milan, Italy, P: E001.
242. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, Y. Yordanov, N. Lazarov: A
case of multiple Wormian bones in a combination with completely preserved
metopic suture in adult skull. 20th European Meeting of the
Paleopathology Association, August 26-31, 2014, Lund, Sweden, Abstracts, p.
243. N. Lazarov: The carotid body in health and disease. 4 th Congress of the Serbian Anatomical Society and 1st
Congress of Serbian Clinical Anatomy, September 18-20, 2014, Belgrade,
Serbia, Plenary Lecture, Abstracts, p. 45.
244. D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Localization of nitrergic
structures in the carotid body in spontaneously hypertensive rats. 109 th Annual Meeting of the Anatomische Gesellschaft, September
24-27, 2014, Salzburg, Austria, P5.
245. D. Atanasova, N. Ivanova, J. Tchekalarova, N. Lazarov
: Effects of long-term losartan treatment during epileptogenesis on the
development of chronic epileptic state and diurnal rhythms of behavioural
changes in Wistar rats. 109th Annual
Meeting of the Anatomische Gesellschaft, September 24-27, 2014, Salzburg,
Austria, P192.
246. J. Tchekalarova, N.M. Ivanova, D.M. Pechlivanova, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov, L. Kortenska, R. Mitreva, V. Lozanov, A.
Stoynev: Antiepileptogenic and neuroprotective effect of losartan in
kainate model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 127, 2014, 27-36.
247. S.P. Pencheva, E.A. Ivanov, N.E. Lazarov: Granule
cells of the cochlear nucleus in rats: Ultrastructural and
immunohistochemical study. J. Biomed. Clin. Res. 7(1),
Suppl. 2, 2014, 24-25.
248. D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Histochemical demonstration
of tripeptidyl aminopeptidase I in the rat carotid body. Acta Histochem. 117, 2015, 219-222.
249. S.P. Doseva, E.A. Ivanov, N.E. Lazarov: Age-dependent
changes in the expression of AMPA-glutamate receptorsubunits in the
cochlear nuclear complex of rats. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 68(3), 2015, 409-414.
250. P. Goranova, I. Michailova, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov:
Structural alterations in the carotid body of spontaneously hypertensive
rats. XIV International Congress of Medical Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, May
7-10, 2015, Tribuna Medica LXVII, Suppl. 1, 2015, 25.
251. A. Ivanov, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Altered
neurotrophic profile in the hypertensive carotid body in rats. XIV
International Congress of Medical Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 7-10,
2015, Tribuna Medica LXVII, Suppl. 1, 2015, 42.
252. D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Morphology and
neurochemistry of the rat carotid body. XXIInd National Congress of the
Bulgarian Anatomical Society, June 5-7, 2015, Plovdiv, Folia Medica 57,
Suppl. 2, 2015, 11.
253. N. Lazarov, D. Atanasova: Morphological changes in
the hypoxic carotid body of rats. XXIInd National Congress of the Bulgarian
Anatomical Society, June 5-7, 2015, Plovdiv, Folia Medica 57, Suppl. 2, 2015, 11.
254. N.M.
, D.
, D.M.
, R.
, A.G.
, J.D.
Long-term intracerebroventricular infusion of angiotensin II after
kainate-induced status epilepticus: Effects on epileptogenesis, brain
damage, and diurnal behavioral changes.
Epilepsy Behav.
, 2015, 1-12.
255. J.
, M.
, D.
, M.
, L.
, K.
Effect of endurance training on seizure susceptibility, behavioral changes
and neuronal damage after kainate-induced status epilepticus in
spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Brain Res.
, 2015, 39-53.
256. A. Mitev, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Immunohistochemical localization
of ASIC4 in the adult rat retina. XII International Medical Scientific
Conference for Students & Young Doctors, October 7-10, 2015, Pleven,
Abstract Book, p. 39.
257. S. Dragomanova, L. Tancheva, M. Georgieva,A. Georgieva, C. Dishovsky, R. Kalfin,D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov, I. Pehlivanov: Preventive effect of the natural monoterpene myrtenal
on cognitive disorders in dement mice. Abstracts of the 28th ECNP Congress,
European Neuropsychopharmacology 09/2015; 25(2):S578-S579. Amino Acids 47(8), 2015, 1652-1652.
258. N. Lazarov, D.
Atanasova, A. Ivanov: Thermal stress-induced expression of CB1 cannabinoid
receptors in the rat rostral pons. Acta morphologica et anthropologica 21, 2015, 70-74.
259. Н. Лазаров
: Да дишаш или
да не дишаш -
това е
Природа 3, 2015,
260. S.Y. Nikolova, D.H. Toneva, N.E. Lazarov: External
auditory canal exostoses in cranial series from Bulgaria. Eur. J. Forensic
Sci. 3(1), 2016, 1-3.
261. D.Y. Atanasova, N.E. Lazarov: Morphological changes
in the rat carotid body following acute sodium nitrite treatment. Resp.
Physiol. Neurobiol. 221, 2016, 11-18.
262. J.
, N.
, D.
, D.M.
, L. Kortenska, R. Mitreva, V. Lozanov, A. Stoynev: Long-term treatment
with losartan attenuates seizure activity and neuronal damage without
affecting behavioral changes in a model of co-morbid hypertension and
epilepsy. Cell. Mol. Neurobiol. 36, 2016, 927-941.
263. J.D. Tchekalarova, Z. Nenchovska, D. Atanasova, M. Atanasova, L.
Kortenska, L. Alova, M. Stefanova, N. Lazarov: Consequences of long-term treatment with
agomelatine on depressive-like behavior and neurobiologicalabnormalities in
pinealectomized rats. Behav. Brain Res. 302, 2016, 11-28.
264. Z. Nenchovska, D. Atanasova, M. Atanasova, L. Kortenska, M. Stefanova,
L. Alova, N. Lazarov, J. Tchekalarova: Consequences of
long-term treatment with agomelatine on depressive-like behavior and
neurobiological abnormalities in pinealectomized rats. Scientific Meeting
of the Bulgarian Society of Physiological Sciences - Sofia Branch, Sofia,
February 19, 2016, Abstract Book, p. 8.
265. S. Krasteva-Krayselska, A. Ivanov, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Gene therapy for congestive heart failure. IBC
2016, Sofia, Abstracts, p. 22.
266. A.D. Dandov, D.Y. Atanasova, N.E. Lazarov:
Morphological changes in the rat mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus following
peripheral axotomy. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 6 9(6), 2016, 801-806.
267. Н. Лазаров
на емоциите.
Природа 2, 2016,
268. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, I. Georgiev, Y. Yordanov, N. Lazarov: Two cases of large bregmatic bone along with a
persistent metopic suture from necropoles on the northern Black Sea coast
of Bulgaria. Anthropol. Sci. 124(2), 2016, 145-153.
269. P. Goranova, J. Tchekalarova, Z. Nenchovska, D. Atanasova, M.
Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Effects of long-term treatment with
agomelatine on depressive-like behavior and neurobiological abnormalities
in pinealectomized rats.XV International Congress of Medical Sciences,
Sofia, Bulgaria, May 12-15, 2016, IJMS 5, Suppl. 1, 2017, 82.
270. A. Ivanov, S. Krayselska, N. Ivanova, D. Atanasova, D. Pechlivanova,
R. Mitreva, N. Lazarov, J. Tchekalarova: Effects of
long-term intracerebroventricular infusion of angiotensin II on
epileptogenesis, brain damage and spatial memory in the kainate model of
temporal lobe epilepsy. XV International Congress of Medical Sciences,
Sofia, Bulgaria, May 12-15, 2016, IJMS (International Journal of Medical
Students 5, Suppl. 1, 2017, 115.
271. P. Goranova, A. Dandov, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov:
Structural plasticity of axotomized mesencephalic trigeminal neurons in
rats. 27th ESC, Berin, September 28-October 1, 2016, Abstracts,
p. 217.
272. N. Lazarov, A. Dandov, D. Atanasova: Morphological
plasticity of the rat mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus following peripheral
axotomy. Proceedings of the Xth International Symposium of Clinical
Anatomy, October 6-8, 2016, Varna, Scripta Scientifica Medica 48
Suppl. 2, 2016, 16.
273. A. Dandov, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Neurochemical
plasticity of peripherally axotomized mesencephalic trigeminal neurons of
the rat. Proceedings of the Xth International Symposium of Clinical
Anatomy, October 6-8, 2016, Varna, Scripta Scientifica Medica 48
Suppl. 2, 2016, 17.
274. D. Atanasova, M. Dimitrova, N. Dimitrov, A. Dandov, I. Maslarski, N. Lazarov:
Histochemical demonstration of tripeptidyl aminopeptidase in rat organs.
Proceedings of the Xth International Symposium of Clinical Anatomy, October
6-8, 2016, Varna, Scripta Scientifica Medica 48 Suppl. 2, 2016, 50.
275. D. Atanasova, N. Dimitrov, A.
Dandov, N. Lazarov: Structural changes in the rat carotid
body after acute sodium nitrite treatment. Proceedings of the Xth
International Symposium of Clinical Anatomy, October 6-8, 2016, Varna,
Scripta Scientifica Medica 48 Suppl. 2, 2016, 54-55.
276. N. Ivanova, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov, M. Atanasova,
J. Tchekalarova: Study role of AT1 receptors on spatial memory impairment
in the kainate model of epilepsy. Scientific Meeting of the Bulgarian
Society of Physiological Sciences, Sofia, November 25, 2016, Abstracts, p.
277. D. Atanasova, N. Dimitrov, N. Lazarov: Expression of
nitric oxide-containing structures in the rat carotid body. Acta Histochem. 118, 2016, 770-775. IF 1.360
278. D. Atanasova, N. Dimitrov, A. Dandov, N. Lazarov:
CGRP- and VIP-immunoreactivity in the rat carotid body. Acta morphologica
et anthropologica 23, 2016, 16-21.
279. M.B. Dimitrova, D.Y. Atanasova, N.E. Lazarov:
Histochemical demonstration of tripeptidyl aminopeptidase I. In: Carlo
Pellicciari, Marco Biggiogera (Eds.) Histochemistry of Single Molecules: Methods and Protocols, Methods
in Molecular Biology, vol. 1560, Humana Press, Springer Science+Business
Media, New York, LLC, 2017, pp. 55-68, ISBN 978-1-4939-6787-2, doi:
280. Н. Лазаров
: Човешкото
обоняние -
Природа 1, 2017,
281. J. Tchekalarova, D. Atanasova, Z. Nenchovska, M. Atanasova, L.
Kortenska, R. Gesheva, N. Lazarov: Agomelatine protects
against neuronal damage without preventing epileptogenesis in the kainate
model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurobiol. Dis. 104,
2017, 1-14.
282. S.Y. Nikolova, D.H. Toneva, N.E. Lazarov: Incidence
of a bifid mandibular condyle in dry mandibles. J. Craniofac. Surg. 28(8), 2017, 2168-2173.
283. S.Y. Nikolova, D.H. Toneva, Y.A. Yordanov, N.E. Lazarov: Morphometric study of the myelohyoid
bridging in dry mandibles. Anthropol. Anz. (J. Biol. Clin. Anthropol.) 74(2), 2017, 113-122.
284. E. Marani, N. Lazarov: Lipofuscin and Lipofuscinoses. In: Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology,
Elsevier, 2017, pp. 481-486,
, ISBN: 978-012809324-5.
285. M.B. Dimitrova, D.Y. Atanasova, N.E. Lazarov:
Tripeptidyl peptidase I and its role in neurodegenerative and tumor
diseases. In: Sajal Chakraborti, Naranjan S. Dhalla (Eds.) Pathophysiological Aspects of Proteases, Springer Nature Singapore
Pte Ltd., 2017, pp. 147-160, ISBN: 978-981-10-6140-0, DOI
286. M. Dinkova, A. Gradev, B. Kyosev, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Neuropeptide traits in the rat carotid body.
XVI International Congress of Medical Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 11-14,
2017, Abstracts, p. 50.
287. P. Goranova, D. Atanasova, J. Tchekalarova, M. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Effects of chronic treatment with agomelatine
on seizure activity, comorbid behavioral changes and neuronal damage in the
kainate model of temporal lobe epilepsy. XVI International Congress of
Medical Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 11-14, 2017, Abstracts, p. 112.
288. J. Tchekalarova, D. Atanasova, M. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Antidepressant effect of chronic agomelatine
treatment in kainate model of epilepsy-associated depression involves a
suppression of inflammatory signaling. Symposium Neurogenesis in the
developing and adult primate brain: Challenges for therapeutic
applications. Varna, Bulgaria, May 19-20, 2017, Biomed. Rev 28, 2017, 154.
289. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, I. Georgiev, S. Harizanov, D. Zlatareva, V.
Hadjidekov, N. Lazarov: A CT-study of the cranial suture
morphology and its reorganization during the obliteration. Coll. Antropol. 419(2), 2017, 125-131.
290. N. Dimitrov, D. Atanasova, N. Tomov, D. Sivrev, N. Lazarov: Acupuncture causes serotonin release by mast
cells. Rom. J. Morphol. Embryol. 58(3), 2017, 961-968.
291. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, I. Georgiev, S. Harizanov, D. Zlatareva, V.
Hadjidekov, N. Lazarov: A CT-study of the cranial suture
morphology and its reorganization during the obliteration (oral
presentation). 36th ANTHROPOLOGY AND HEALTH CONFERENCE Anthropology in the
Service of Global Health (A&H 2017)- Dubrovnik,
Croatia, June 16-18, 2017.
292. D. Toneva, S. Nikolova, I. Georgiev, S. Harizanov, D. Zlatareva, V.
Hadjidekov, N. Lazarov: Body mass index differences in
facial soft tissue thicknesses in Bulgarian adults (oral presentation).
36th ANTHROPOLOGY AND HEALTH CONFERENCE Anthropology in the Service of
Global Health (A&H 2017) - Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 16-18, 2017.
293. A. Ivanov, N. Hristova, D. Atanasova, E. Stefanova, N. Lazarov:
Morgellons Disease. Case report. (poster).
294. N. Lazarov, J. Tchekalarova, D. Atanasova: Chronic
agomelatine treatment suppresses the kainate-induced glial reaction during
epileptogenesis in rats. Abstracts of the XXIIIrd National Congress of the
Bulgarian Anatomical Society with international participation, October 5-7,
2017, Varna, Bulgaria, Scripta Scientifica Medica 49 Suppl. 2, 2017, 13-14.
295. A. Dandov, D. Atanasova, J. Tchekalarova, N. Ivanova, N. Lazarov: Kainate-induced changes and the effect of
losartan on angiotensin AT1 receptor expression in limbic
structures in a rat model of comorbid hypertension and epilepsy. Abstracts
of the XXIIIrd National Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society with
international participation, October 5-7, 2017, Varna, Bulgaria, Scripta
Scientifica Medica 49 Suppl. 2, 2017, 14.
296. D. Atanasova, N. Dimitrov, A. Dandov, N. Lazarov: The
carotid body and superior cervical ganglion in rats express angiotensin AT1
receptors. Abstracts of the XXIIIrd National Congress of the Bulgarian
Anatomical Society with international participation, October 5-7, 2017,
Varna, Bulgaria, Scripta Scientifica Medica 49 Suppl. 2, 2017, 37.
297. T. Kirov, D. Atanasova, N. Dimitrov, A. Dandov, N. Lazarov: Nitric oxide-containing structures in the
carotid body and superior cervical ganglion in rats. Abstracts of the
XXIIIrd National Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society with
international participation, October 5-7, 2017, Varna, Bulgaria, Scripta
Scientifica Medica 49 Suppl. 2, 2017, 38.
298. A. Ivanov, A. Dandov, D. Atanasova, N. Dimitrov, N. Lazarov: Influence of thermal stress on the expression
of CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the rat mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus.
Abstracts of the XXIIIrd NationalCongress of the Bulgarian Anatomical
Society with international participation, October 5-7, 2017, Varna,
Bulgaria, Scripta Scientifica Medica 49 Suppl. 2, 2017, 39.
299. N. Dimitrov, D. Atanasova, N. Tomov, D. Sivrev, N . Lazarov: Nerve structures in Zusanli
(ST36) in rats. Abstracts of the XXIIIrd National Congress of
the Bulgarian Anatomical Society with international participation, October
5-7, 2017, Varna, Bulgaria, Scripta Scientifica Medica 49 Suppl. 2, 2017,
300. D. Toneva, S. Nikolova, I. Georgiev, S. Harizanov, D. Zlatareva, V.
Hadjidekov, N. Lazarov: Assessment of sex differences in
size and shape of foramen magnum on CT scans of Bulgarian Adults. Abstracts
of the XXIIIrd National Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society with
international participation, October 5-7, 2017, Varna, Scripta Scientifica
Medica 49 Suppl. 2, 2017, 42-43.
301. S. Nikolova, S. Harizanov, D. Toneva, I. Georgiev, D. Zlatareva, V.
Hadjidekov, N. Lazarov: Application of the deblurring
technique and segmentation on medical CT images for improved visualization
of the cranial sutures. Abstracts of the XXIIIrd National Congress of the
Bulgarian Anatomical Society with international participation, October 5-7,
2017, Varna, Scripta Scientifica Medica 49 Suppl. 2, 2017, 43.
302. J. Tchekalarova, D. Atanasova, M. Atanasova, K. Ilieva, L. Kortenska,
R. Gesheva, N. Lazarov: Preclinical evidence for
therapeutic potential of antidepressant agomelatine in Alzheimer's disease
(AD) and epilepsy. AAIC Satellite Symposium. Varna, Bulgaria, October
19-20, 2017, Abstracts, 9A.
303. M. Dinkova, D. Atanasova, J. Tchekalarova, N. Lazarov:
Agomelatine-induced effects in epilepsy in rats. 2 ndInternational Biomedical Congress, November 17-19,
2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, Abstracts, p. 129.
304. J. Tchekalarova, D. Atanasova, L. Kortenska, R. Mitreva, N. Lazarov: Agomelatine exerts a neuroprotection against
kainate-induced epileptogenesis without preventing development of status
epilepticus and spontaneous seizure activity in wistar rats. INB
Conference, 2017, pp. 37-38.
305. Н. Лазаров
: Вкусът -
Природа 1, 2018,
306. D.
, J.
, N.
, Z.
, N.
, N.
: Losartan suppresses the kainate-induced changes of angiotensin AT 1 receptor expression in a model of comorbid hypertension and
Life Sci.
, 2018, 40-46.
307. D. Atanasova, A. Dandov, N. Dimitrov, N. Lazarov:
Immunohistochemical localization of AT1 receptors in the rat
carotid body. Acta Histochem. 120, 2018, 154-158.
308. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, I. Georgiev, N. Lazarov:
Digital radiomorphometric analysis of the frontal sinus and assessment of
the relation between preserved metopic suture and frontal sinus
development. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 165(3), 2018,
492-506. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23375.
309. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, I. Georgiev, A. Dandov, N. Lazarov: Morphometric analysis of the frontal sinus:
application of industrial digital radiography and virtual endocast. J. Forensic Radiol. Imaging 12, 2018,
310. J. Tchekalarova, D. Atanasova, L. Kortenska, M. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Chronic agomelatine treatment prevents
comorbid depression in the post status epilepticus model of acquired
epilepsy through suppression ofinflammatory signaling. Neurobiol. Dis. 115, 2018, 127-144.
311. D. Atanasova, A. Dandov, T. Kirov, N. Lazarov: Mast
cells in the rat carotid body. Acta morhologica et antropologica 25(1-2), 2018, 11-15.
312. T. Stoyanova, N. Ivanova, J. Tchekalarova, L. Kortenska, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Effects of Agomelatine
and Lacosamide on Kainate-Induced Status Epilepticus, Epileptogenesis
and EEG Seizure Activity in Wistar Rat. Acta morhologica et antropologica 25(1-2), 2018, 33-38.
313. N. Lazarov, D. Atanasova, N. Dimitrov, A. Dandov, T.
Kirov: Immunohistochemical localization of nitrergic structures in the
carotid body of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats. Plenary
Lecture, VIIth National Conference with international participation
"Morphological Days", June 8 - 10, Sofia, Bulgaria.
314. T. Kirov, D. Atanasova, N. Dimitrov, A. Dandov, N. Lazarov: Histological evidence for the presence of mast
cells in the rat carotid body. VIIth National Conference with international
participation "Morphological Days", June 8 - 10, Sofia, Bulgaria.
315. A. Dandov, M. Atanasova, J. Tchekalarova, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Influence of agomelatine in the
streptozotocin-induced model of rat in Alzheimer's disease. VIIth National
Conference with international participation "Morphological Days", June 8 -
10, Sofia, Bulgaria.
316. D Atanasova,
N. Dimitrov
, N. Tomov, I. Ivanova, D. Sivrev, N. Lazarov: Ghrelin
expression in rat colon. 8thBulgarian Peptide Symposium with
international participation. June 8 - 10, 2018, Stara Zagora Mineral
D. Atanasova, J. Tchekalarova, L. Kortenska, M. Shishmanova-Doseva, P.
Marinov, A. Dandov, T. Kirov, N. Lazarov: Study on the
treatment effect of agomelatine in kainate-induced status epilepticus in a
model of temporal lobe epilepsy. 113th Annual Meeting Anatomische Gesellschaft, September 25-28, 2018 , Rostock, Germany.
318. D. Atanasova, N. Dimitrov, N. Lazarov: Еnhanced expression of components of the
neurotrophin signaling system in the hypertensive carotid body. 113th Annual Meeting Anatomische Gesellschaft,
September 25-28, 2018, Rostock, Germany.
319. N. Ivanova, J. Tchekalarova, D. Atanasova, D. Pechlivanova, N. Lazarov: Strain-dependent effects of AT1 receptor
antagonist losartan on spatial memory performance of Wistar and
spontaneously hypertensive rats in kainate model of temporal epilepsy,
Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 71(6), 2018, 839-846.
320. N.E. Lazarov, D.Y. Atanasova, A.D. Dandov, N.D.
Dimitrov: Anandamide-induced expression of CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the
rat mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus after short-term termal stress. Comp.
rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 71(9), 2018, 1272-1278.
321. D. Toneva, S. Nikolova, I. Georgiev, S. Harizanov, D. Zlatareva, V.
Hadjidekov, N. Lazarov: Facial soft tissue thicknesses in
Bulgarian adults: relation to sex, body mass index and bilateral asymmetry.
Folia Morphol. 77(3), 2018, 570-582.
322. D. Toneva, S. Nikolova, S. Harizanov, I. Georgiev, D. Zlatareva, V.
Hadjidekov, A. Dandov, N. Lazarov: Sex determination by
size and shape of foramen magnum based on CT imaging. Legal Medicine 35, 2018, 50-60.
323. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, I. Georgiev, N. Lazarov: Relation between metopic suture persistence and
frontal sinus development. In: Tang-Chuan Wang (Ed.) Challenging Issues on Paranasal Sinuses. InTechOpen, Rijeka, 2019,
pp. 3-23. ISBN 978-1-78985-401-5.
324. J. Tchekalarova, D. Atanasova, L. Kortenska, N. Lazarov, M. Shishmanova-Doseva, T. Galchev,
P. Marinov. Agomelatine prevents neuronal loss through BDNF signaling but
not kainate-induced seizures in rat. Brain Res. Bull. 147,
2019, 22-35.
325. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, I. Georgiev, N. Lazarov:
Sagittal suture maturation: morphological reorganization, relation to aging
and reliability as an age-at-death indicator. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 169(1), 2019, 78-92.
326. D.H. Toneva, S.Y. Nikolova, D.K. Zlatareva, V.G. Hadjidekov, N.E. Lazarov: Sex estimation by mastoid triangle using 3D
models. Homo 70(1), 2019, 63-73.
327. A.D. Dandov, D.Y. Atanasova, N.E. Lazarov:
Morphological and neurochemical plasticity of rat mesencephalic trigeminal
neurons. Biomed. Rev. 30, 2019, 63-81.
328. T. Kirov, D. Atanasova, L. Malinova, L. Jelev, N. Lazarov: Histochemical localization of
NADPH-diaphorase reactive neurons in the colorectal region of the rat. Acta
Morphol. Anthropol. 26(3-4), 2019, 3-6.
329. T. Kirov, D. Atanasova, L. Malinova, L. Jelev, N. Lazarov:
Morphological characteristics and cytoarchitecture of the myenteric ganglia
in the rat proximal colon. Acta Morphol. Anthropol. 26
(3-4), 2019, 34-37.
330. A. Ivanov, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Cytoarchitecture of the spinal trigeminal nucleus in
rats. Acta Morphol. Anthropol. 26(3-4), 2019, 46-50.
331. D. Toneva, S. Nikolova, I. Georgiev, N. Lazarov:
Investigation of an orbital defect in a medieval skull from Bulgaria.
Annuaire Roumain d'Anthropologie 56, 2019, 15-27.
332. N.E. Lazarov, D.Y. Atanasova: Morphological and new
neurochemical aspects of the mammalian carotid body. Trakia J. Sci. 17, Suppl. 2, 2019, 67-72.
333. A. Dandov, S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, N. Lazarov:
Application of industrial digital radiography for reliable morphometric
analysis of the frontal sinus. Abstracts of the XXIV National Congress of
the Bulgarian Anatomical Society, May 31-June 2, 2019, Stara Zagora, p. 24.
T. Kirov, D.
Atanasova, L. Malinova, L. Jelev,
N.E. Lazarov
: Localization of NADPH diaphorase-positive neurons in the myenteric plexus
of recto-anal region in the rat. Abstracts of the XXIV National Congress of
the Bulgarian Anatomical Society, May 31-June 2, 2019, Stara Zagora, p. 63.
335. A. Ivanov, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Neuroanatomy of
the trigeminal spinal nucleus in rats. Abstracts of the XXIV National
Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society, May 31-June 2, 2019, Stara
Zagora, p. 67.
Nikolova, D. Toneva,
N. Lazarov
: Configuration of nasoglabellar region in metopic and non-metopic cranial
series. Abstracts of the XXIV National Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical
Society, May 31-June 2, 2019, Stara Zagora, p. 95.
337. Н. Лазаров
: Човешкото
око -
към света.
Природа 1, 2019,
338. Н. Лазаров
: Тайните на
ухо. Природа 2, 2020, 30-39.
339. A. Dandov, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Effects of the
TYR-MIF-1 peptides on the expression of CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the
rat mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus following thermal stress. Acta
Morphol. Anthropol. 27(1-2), 2020, 3-8.
D.Y. Atanasova, A.D. Dandov, N.D. Dimitrov, N.E. Lazarov:
Histochemical and immunohistochemical localization of nitrergic structures
in the carotid body of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Acta Histochem. 122(2), 2020, 151500.
341. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, G. Agre, N. Lazarov: Data mining
for peculiarities in the configuration of neurocranium when the metopic
suture persists. Anthropol. Anz. 77(2), 2020, 89-107,
342. D. Toneva, S. Nikolova, I. Georgiev, N. Lazarov: Impact
of resolution and texture of laser scanning generated three-dimensional
models on landmark identification. Anat. Rec. 303(7),
2020, 1950-1965, DOI:10.1002/ar.24272.
343. J. Tchekalarova, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: The
potential therapeutic role of melatoninergic system in treatment of
epilepsy and comorbid depression. In: Atta-ur-Rahman, Zareen Amtul (Eds.) FCDR - CNS and Neurological Disorders, Bentham Science Publishers,
Vol. 7, 2020, pp. 72-102.
344. D.H.
Toneva, S.Y.
Nikolova, G.P.
D.K. Zlatareva, V.G.
Hadjidekov, N.E.
Data mining for sex estimation based on cranial measurements
Forensic Sci. Int.
, 2020, 110441.
345. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, G. Agre, N. Lazarov: Computed
tomography: a non-destructive method for investigation of bone tissue
structure. 8th International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of
Research, July 20-24, 2020, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.
346. N.E. Lazarov
, D.Y. Atanasova: Neurochemical profile of the carotid body in
spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Abstracts of the XI International Symposium on Clinical Anatomy with
international participation, October 2-2, 2020 Varna, Scripta Scientifica
Medica 52 Suppl. 1, 2020.
347. A. Ivanov, D.Y. Atanasova, N.E. Lazarov
: Expression of some neurotrophic factors in the spinal trigeminal
nucleus in the rat.
Abstracts of the XI International Symposium on Clinical Anatomy with
international participation, October 2-2, 2020 Varna, Scripta Scientifica
Medica 52 Suppl. 1, 2020.
348. T. Kirov, D.Y. Atanasova, L. Malinova, N.E. Lazarov
: Substance P-immunoreactive nerve fibers in the myenteric plexus of
the rat recto-anal region.
Abstracts of the XI International Symposium on Clinical Anatomy with
international participation, October 2-2, 2020 Varna, Scripta Scientifica
Medica 52 Suppl. 1, 2020.
N.L. Stamenov,
N.E. Lazarov
: Structure of the pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies in rats.
Abstracts of the XI International Symposium on Clinical Anatomy with
international participation, October 2-2, 2020 Varna, Scripta Scientifica
Medica 52 Suppl. 1, 2020.
350. A. Ivanov, D.Y. Atanasova, N.E. Lazarov: Expression of NGF, BDNF,
and NT-3 in the spinal trigeminal nucleus in rats. IIIrd
Scientific Conference "Neurosciences - from theory to experiment and
practice", October 23-25, 2020, Bachinovo, Bulgaria, Abstract Book, p. 28.
351. D. Atanasova, I. Maslarski, N. Dimitrov, A. Ivanov, N.E. Lazarov
: Study of the neurotrophic nature of the carotid body cell population
in spontaneously hypertensive
rats. IIIrd Scientific Conference "Neurosciences - from
theory to experiment and practice", October 23-25, 2020, Bachinovo,
Bulgaria, Abstract Book, p. 29.
352. H.H. Nocheva, R.E. Tashev, A.I. Bocheva, D.Y. Atanasova, A.D. Dandov, N.E. Lazarov: Interactions between the endogenous
cannabinoid system and the peptides of the Tyr-MIF-1 family after heat
stress-induced analgesia. Biomed. Rev. 31, 2020, 91-103.
353. N. Stamenov, N. Lazarov: Structure and innervation of
the pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies in rats. Acta Morphol. Anthropol. 28(1-2), 2021, 28-31.
354. D. Toneva, S. Nikolova, G. Agre, D. Zlatareva, V. Hadjidekov, N. Lazarov: Machine
learning approaches for sex estimation using cranial measurements. Int. J.
Leg. Med. 135(3), 2021, 951-966.
355. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, N. Lazarov: Squamous
suture obliteration: frequency and investigation of the associated skull
morphology. Anat. Sci. Int. 96(1), 2021, 42-54.
356. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, N. Lazarov: A
comparative digital morphometric study of nasofrontal region in metopic and
non-metopic cranial series. Anthropolog. Anz. 78(4), 2021,
357. N.E. Lazarov, D.Y. Atanasova, D.S. Stoyanov, R.H.
Spassov, A.B. Tonchev, J.D. Tchekalarova: Chronic treatment with
agomelatine alleviates neuroglia-mediated neuroinflammation in rats
undergoing chronic constant light. Abstracts of the XXV National Congress
of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society with International Participation, May
28-30, 2021, Pleven, Journal of Biomedical & Clinical Research 14(1), Suppl. 1, 2021, 51-52.
358. A. V. Ivanov, D.Y. Atanasova, N.E. Lazarov: Expression of neurotrophic factors and
their receptors in the rat spinal trigeminal nucleus. Abstracts of the XXV
National Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society with International
Participation, May 28-30, 2021, Pleven, Journal of Biomedical &
Clinical Research 14(1), Suppl. 1, 2021, 53-54.
359. T. Kirov, L. Malinova, D. Atanasova, N.E. Lazarov: A simple method for localization of
neuronal structures in the rat colonic wall. Abstracts of the XXV National
Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society with International
Participation, May 28-30, 2021, Pleven, Journal of Biomedical &
Clinical Research 14(1), Suppl. 1, 2021, 57-58.
360. N.L. Stamenov, D.Y. Atanasova, L.S.
Jelev, N.E. Lazarov: Expression of neuroactive substances
in the pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies of spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Abstracts of the XXV National Congress of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society
with International Participation, May 28-30, 2021, Pleven, Journal of
Biomedical & Clinical Research 14(1), Suppl. 1, 2021,
361. D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov, D.S. Stoyanov, R.H.
Spassov, A.B. Tonchev, J. Tchekalarova: Reduced neuroinflammation and
enhanced neurogenesis following chronic agomelatine treatment in rats
undergoing chronic constant light. Neuropharmacology 197,
2021, 108706.
362. J.D. Tchekalarova, D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: The role
of inflammatory signaling in comorbid depression and epilepsy. In: Colin R.
Martin, Lan-Anh Hunter, Vinood B. Patel, Victor R. Preedy, Rajkumar
Rajendra (Eds.)
The Neuroscience of Depression: Genetics, Cell Biology, Neurology,
Behaviour and Diet
, Academic Press, 2021, pp. 127-137, ISBN 978-0-12-817935-2,
363. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, G. Agre, N. Lazarov:
Influence of persistent metopic suture on sagittal suture closure. Ann.
Anatomy 239, 2022, 151811.
364. S. Nikolova, D. Toneva, E. Tasheva-Terzieva, N. Lazarov: Cranial morphology in metopism: A
comparative geometric morphometric study. Ann. Anatomy 243
, 2022, 151951.
365. A. Gradev, L. Jelev, N. Lazarov: The bed nucleus of
the stria terminalis: cytoarchitecture and morphometry of its subnuclear
organizationin the rat brain. Acta Morphol. Anthropol. 29
(1-2), 2022, 3-10.
366. N. Stamenov, L. Jelev, D. Atanasova, A. Dandov, N. Lazarov: Microscopic anatomy of the pulmonary
neuroepithelial bodies in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Acta Morphol.
Anthropol. 29(1-2), 2022, 3-10.
367. D.Y. Atanasova, A.D. Dandov, N.E. Lazarov:
Neurochemical plasticity of the carotid body in hypertension.
Anat. Rec. 122, 2022, 1-12,
368. T.V. Kirov, D.Y. Atanasova, N.E. Lazarov:
Neurochemical profile of the myenteric plexus in the rat colorectal
Anat. Rec. 122, 2022, 1-10.
369. N. Lazarov, D. Atanasova: The Human Carotid Body and
its Role in Ventilatory Acclimatization to Hypoxia.Plenary Lecture, VIIIth
National Conference with international participation "Morphological Days",
June 10 - 12, 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria, Abstracts.
370. D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov: Hypertension-induced
structural and neurochemical plasticity of the rat carotid body.Plenary
Lecture, VIIIth National Conference with international participation
"Morphological Days", June 10 - 12, 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria, Abstracts.
371. N. Stamenov, D. Atanasova, L. Jelev, A. Dandov, N. Lazarov: Localization of CGRP-immunoreactive structures
in the pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies of spontaneously hypertensive rats.
VIIIth National Conference with international participation "Morphological
Days", June 10 - 12, 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria, Abstracts.
372. D. Atanasova, N. Lazarov, A.B. Tonchev, J.
Tchekalarova: Reduced neuroinflammation and enhanced neurogenesis in models
of melatonin deficit. Symposium Neurogenesis at Black Sea, May 26-28, 2022,
Varna, Abstracts, p.
373. D.H. Toneva, S.Y. Nikolova, E.D. Tasheva-Terzieva, D.K. Zlatareva, N.E. Lazarov: Sexual dimorphism in shape and size of the
neurocranium. Int. J. Legal Med. 2022,
374. D.H. Toneva, S.Y. Nikolova, E.D. Tasheva-Terzieva, D.K. Zlatareva, N.E. Lazarov: A geometric morphometric study on sexual
dimorphism in viscerocranium. Biology 11, 2022, 1333,
375. T. Kirov, D. Atanasova, L. Malinova, N. Lazarov:
Localization of substance P-immunoreactive nerve structures in the rat
colon. Comp. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., in press.
Contact Information
+359-2-9172 525
+359-2-8518 783
Postal address
Nikolai E. Lazarov, MD, PhD, DSc
Professor of Anatomy and Cell Neurobiology
Department of Anatomy and Histology
Medical University - Sofia
2, Zdrave Street
BG-1431 Sofia, Bulgaria
Electronic mail
Awards and
1993 COPERNICUS-Fellow; grant ERB3510PL922161 from the
Commission of the European Communities; University of Ulm, Germany
1994 Commission of the European Communities; grant
CIPA-CT93-0205 (DG 12 HSMU) from the EEC and Universitair Centrum
Antwerpen, Belgium; Research Project 'Functional Morphology of the
Autonomic Nervous System', University of Antwerp RUCA, Belgium
1995-1997 AvH Fellow; grant 1015945 from the Alexander von
Humboldt Foundation; Research Project "The Significance of
Dopaminergic and Glutamate Afferents for the Differentiation of the
Striatum", University of Ulm, Germany
1997 The First Bulgarian Anatomical Society Dimitri Kadanoff
Memorial Award
1998 M.R.C. Visiting Professor, Leiden University, The
1999 The First Award of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria
2000 Visiting Professor, University of Ulm, Germany
2003 The First Award for Scientific
Merits of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria
2003 International Scientist of the Year
2004-2005 AvH Fellow; Research
Project: "Expression of Receptors: Focus on Histamine Receptors in the
Petrosal Ganglion", University of Munich, Germany
2006, 2007, 2008 Visiting Professor, Ludwig-Maximilian-University
Munich, Germany
2010 The Medical University-Sofia "Orahovatz" Award for Outstanding Contributions to Fundamental Science
2019 The Medical University of Sofia PANACEA Prize for special contributions to realization of teaching, research and expert activity
2019 The Pythagoras Award of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science for Distinguished Scientist in Health and Medical Sciences
2021 Visiting Professor, University of Bern, Switzerland